Course of Science of Bioresource Production

Tropical Bioresource and Plant Resource Production

Name of Advisory ProfessorUniv.Special SubjectFields of Instruction and Research
ISSHIKI ShiroSAGAVegetable and Ornamental HorticultureGenetics and breeding in horticultural crops
UENO KihachiCrop ScienceSustainable crop production technologies
KOTODA NobuhiroHorticulture and Plant PhysiologyPhysiology and functional genomics of citrus germplasms and horticultural crops
GOTO FumiyukiProtected HorticultureEnvironmental control of greenhouses and physiology of horticultural crops
SUZUKI AkihiroCrop PhysiologyMechanism for establishment of symbiosis between higher plants and symbionts
TSUJITA YukiHorticulture,Plant PhylogenyStudies on mycorrhizal association, plant ecology ,conservation and in vitro culture in flowering plants.
ZHENG, Shao-HuiTropical Crop ScienceCropping system, Physiology and Eco- morphology of tropical leguminous crops
Fruit Tree ScienceGenetics and breeding fruit trees
FUJITA DaisukePlant BreedingGenetics and improvement in tropical crop
WATANABE SatoshiPlant Breeding and GeneticsIdentification of genes related to agronomic traits for soybean breeding
MATSUMOTO YuichiHorticultural ScienceCultivation and postharvest management of horticultural crops.
URESHINO KenjiRYUKYUSHorticultural ScienceGenetics and breeding in horticultural crops
SUWA RyuichiCrop ScienceStudy on cultivation method and quality improvement
NAKAMURA IchiroPlant Physiology and BreedingSalinity tolerance mechanism and breeding crops
Md. Amzad HOSSAINCrop Production ScienceTropical crop production and weed management
Md. Mizanur Rahim KhanHorticultural ScienceGenetics and breeding in horticultural crops
FUKUTA YoshimichiPlant BreedingGenetics and breeding studies for sustainable and stable production of rice on Tropical and Subtropical regions
ICHITANI KatsuyukiKAGOSHIMAPlant Breeding and GeneticsGenomics, genetics and breeding in crops
SAKAGAMI Jun-IchiTropical crop scienceTropical and Subtropical Crop Ecology and Physiology
SHIMIZU KatsuyoshiCrop ScienceMorphological, ecological, physiological and cultivation research and analysis of crops and plants
PAKU ByoungjaeTropical Crop ScienceEcophysiology and active ingrediend in toropical crops
YAMAMOTO MasashiFruit Tree ScienceGenetics, breeding and genetic resources in fruit trees
KOZAI NaokoFruit Tree ScienceCultivation and ecophysiology of fruit trees

Animal Resource Production

Name of Advisory ProfessorUniv.Special SubjectFields of Instruction and Research
EBARA fumioSAGAAnimal ScienceAnimal management and human-animal interactions
YAMANAKA Ken-ichiAnimal ReproductionStudy for improvement of in vitro embryo production system
SASAKI ShinjiRYUKYUSAnimal GenomicsGenomic analysis for inherited diseases in Japanese Black cattle
TATEMOTO HidekiBiology of Animal Reproduction and DevelopmentCellular physiology and manipulation in animal gametes for applied reproduction
IMURA YoshimiFeed ResourcesUtilization and management and feed resources
OIKAWA TatsuroApplied Animal GeneticsAnimal genetics applied for animal breeding
KONNO ToshihiroFunctional AnatomyDevelopmental biology and morphogenesis
NAGAMINE ItsukiAnimal Physiology Nutritional and neural physiology for animal reproduction
NAMIHIRA TomoyukiTropical pasture scienceThe study of pasture and livestock producion in tropical and subtropical region.
ETO TakeshiEthology and Ecological Physiology in Mammals and BirdsBehavioral and physiological studies of animals
OOKUTSU ShojiKAGOSHIMAAnimal reproductionPhysiology and biotechnology in animal
OSHIMA IchiroFunctional anatomyThe mechanism of meat production and the architecture of skeletal muscle
SHIMOGIRI TakeshiAnimal GeneticsEvaluation and utilization of farm animals by molecular genetics
TAKAYAMA KojiAnimal behaviorBehavioral studies of farm and wild animals

Regional and Global Resource Economics

Name of Advisory ProfessorUniv.Special SubjectFields of Instruction and Research
TSUJI KazunariSAGAFarm Business ManagementManpower training in farm business
NAKAI ShinsukeEcological anthropology, human geographyNatural resource use
FUJIMURA MihoRural sociologyCommunity organizations and environmental change in rural society
NAITOH ShigeyukiRYUKYUSAgricultural MarketingAgricultural Marketing and food distribution
SUGIMURA YasuhikoAgricultural EconomicsAgricultural Policy and Agricultural Marketing
KONOSHIMA MasashiForest resource economics, environmental
Economics analysis of forest resource use and conservation
CHEN BixiaHuman-Environmental SciencesAppropriate utilization, conservation of the built environment, and culturally preserved forests and landscapes

YAMAMOTO JunkoFarm ManagementClarification of management and support measures on farm succession
LEE, JaehyeonKAGOSHIMAFarm Business ManagementFarm Management Strategy in Food System
KUGA MizuhoFisheries economicsEconomic analysis of fisheries marketing and processing industries
SAKAI NorioAgricultural EconomicsAgricultural policy and agricultural structure
SAKUMA YoshiakiFisheries managementSocioeconomic analysis of fisheries management policy
SANO MasaakiFisheries EconomicsEconomical analysis of fisheries industry
TORII TakashiFisheries EconomicsEconomic analysis of the fisheries industry
YUTAKA TomoyukiAgricultural MarketingConduct and Performance of Agricultural Marketing and Distribution